Asteroid Trap, a simple but addictive Game
Asteroid Trap
You have to remove the hydrogen fog that prevents observations from space. For that, you drive a comet that allows you to burn this cosmic fog.
Trap the asteroids which navigate in this fog and avoid their contact.
The game features four difficulty levels: "Kids", for casual gamers, "Fair", a normal level, "Hard" and finally "Nuts" for those who control their nerves. For each level the speed of the asteroids changes.
Each level consists of 10 steps. You have to make disappear certain percentage of hydrogen fog to move to the next step.
 At each step, you gain an extra life, ... and a new asteroid.
Be careful, a collision with an asteroid makes you lose a life. Also, if your comet crosses its own trail, it goes up in smoke.
Screen captures
Let's see about Asteroid Trap .....
You will find the game on the Android Market ....
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